Context study: Willy:s online store


During our UX-program we had the assignment to conduct UX-research for the grocery store chain Willy:s, more specifically concerning their online shop. The research was primarily aimed towards the target group of students between the age 20-30. The goal of the study was to find out how this target group perceived Willy:s online store and what their behaviors looked like in regards to buying groceries online.



To get a better understanding of the target group a survey was created where the questions were mainly aimed to gather general information such as demography, geography and economy. However in the latter part of the survey the questions were aimed to receive quantiative information about the habits in regards to shopping food, cooking and experiences/expectations with buying food products online.

Semi-structured interviews


After receiving a good amount of quanitatitve data through the surveys we proceeded to conduct semi-structured interviews to ask more in-depth & follow-up questions to be able to receive more qualitative data.

Thematic analysis


All the interviews were transcribed and after a brainstorming session together with the project team we defined a number of specific categories such as frustration, goals, behaviour and personality. All the answers were then compiled and assigned to the relevant themes. By doing this it was easy to find common themes amongst the categories.

Persona creation

This persona named “Hannah” was based on the data received from the thematic analysis as well as the survey. From the discussions I’ve learned that it’s important to base all the properties on the data. One example is wanting to make the persona a vegetarian since several of the subjects interviewed were as well, but based on the survey data the majority of the respondents considered themselves omnivores. Therefore it was important to stand by the data and base the persona on the majority

Key insights


By analysing the qualitative and quantitative data previously gathered we had a clearer picture of what this user group deemed most important in regards to buying their groceries online.


The 3 key insights were that they wanted a wide range of products to choose from, that those products were available to purchase and that products were of high quality. The latter was perticularly important for fruits and vegetables.

Conducting usability tests


Once the important insights were defined and presented by the team we proceeded to the next step which was settings user goals and scenarios for the usability tests.

There were a lot of discussions during this part of the process and once again it was important rely on the current data as well as the persona when defining the specific requirements for the tests.

The tests were then conducted both through digital means and together with a test person in the same room.

Workshop & analysis


In order to come up with more concrete design solutions the team held a workshop. The workshop consited of Empathy mapping, Point of View statements and How might we questions. This concluded in 3 specific problems which we collaborated on designing solutions for.


The specific problems we identified were:


  • More distinct and clear information in regards to quality labels and quality overall.
  • More distinct and clear information about warranty & reclamation when buying groceries online.
  • Help and guidance for the user in regards to units of measurement.

Design solutions

All the design prototypes were done with a focus on making a more clear and apparent experience for the user in regards to the specific issues that were found during the research phase.